Friday, January 11, 2008

Jack Black likes Space Wolf!!!...

...or the shirt of it, at least. Crazy eh?

Did I mention there's a new Hickee out? I probably did. But in case you hadn't heard, Hickee #4 is out there in the known universe right now. Hurry!


  1. So do I! Space Wolf is awesome! So is last duet and the narwhal. I wanted to get a shirt at APE last year but I was thinking "I have way too many black t-shirts." =P

  2. pretty cool Graham...stardom is on its way! =0)

  3. that is so rad

  4. YEAH GRAHAM! That's awesome! Now I'm even more jealous of your fame.

  5. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I like the t-shirt too. By the way, is it still available? I had a look on the t-shirt-selling site and didn't find it.

  6. Unfortunately I've been informed that the t-shirt is now sold out and there are no plans to do another run of them currently.

    Bummer timing.

    If I can get more done up I will definitely let people know!

  7. I like Space wolf and Jack Black! he is such a great actor! any idea of getting me a T shirt of them both 2gether?:)
