Monday, November 16, 2015

The dancing beaver t-shirt!

Hey everyone!

Just a short post to let people know that I've got a new Grickle shirt available for the holiday season! The little dancing beaver from "We Sing the Forest Electric" fame is up on Teespring for a very limited time!

I know, like everyone else, it's always disturbing to have Christmas stuff thrown in our faces immediately following Halloween, but unfortunately if I don't do this campaign right now the shirts wouldn't ship in time for the holidays. So if you're trying to figure out a Grickle gift for any friends or family you've got about a week to order one of these!

Order right here!

I've been doing these Teespring campaigns over the last couple of years as a way of trying to supplement the time and resources I spend on creating original animation for the Grickle Channel. So if you've been enjoying my cartoons over the last decade on Youtube this is a great way to show your support! You can view all the past t-shirt campaigns here! If enough people reorder the older shirts than Teespring does a fresh print run! Have a look!

The Grickle T-shirt store!

Thanks, everybody!

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